Anglican Deacons Canada/Angli-Diacres Canada (ADC)

Founded in 2000, Anglican Deacons Canada/Angli-Diacres Canada was a response to the increasing number of Deacons in Canada and the sense that an association was needed which would be centred on Canadian Anglican practice and concerns.
Since that time, ADC has held triennial conferences, the last of which was in Victoria, B.C. in 2017 and the next will be at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario in June of 2020 with the theme “Deacons in Community”.
The organization is led by a Board of Directors, representing all the Ecclesiastical Provinces of the Anglican Church in Canada; elections are held at each Triennial Conference. Currently, membership includes 84 individuals and 13 dioceses.
ADC Vision: Deacons, by the stirring of the Holy Spirit, proclaim the inclusive and challenging love of God in Christ through action, prayer, and prophetic story to enable the Kingdom to be realized in the world.
ADC Values: The Diaconate is a different and equal order within the Anglican Church called to respond to the “needs, hopes and concerns of the world to the church”.
- Supports: aspirants, postulants, and Deacons through education and relationship.
- Educates: provides information and opportunities for accessible training and continuing education.
- Advocates: for systemic change and reconciliation locally and globally through prophetic action, education and prayer.
- Communication: Facebook, Website, email and Salt and Light Newsletter.